SANGO-Kenya’s programs, developed in coordination with leaders and members of the local communities, help improve food and nutrition security among mothers, children, other household members, and the community.

Program components focus on:

Agriculture Training

  • SANGO-Kenya’s agriculture experts train smallholder farmers, mostly women, to use environmentally sustainable agricultural practices that maximize crop yields, improve harvesting methods, and preserve seeds so they can be used in the next season.
  • We train the farmers in the nutrition and climate-resilient benefits of growing and consuming African traditional vegetables, as well as preservation techniques so they can continue consuming them post-harvest.

Nutrition Training

  • Nutrition experts train the participants in the nutritional benefits of the vegetables the farmers grow, especially regarding pregnant mothers, infants, and young children.
  • We emphasize the need to consume a variety of foods for maximum nutritional benefit.
  • We train them how to prepare recipes that enhance taste and preserve nutrition.

Agricultural Support

  • SANGO-Kenya provides farmers inputs such as quality seeds and reusable farm materials such as netting for protecting seedlings.
  • We provide on-going support from agriculture experts during land preparation, planting, growing, and harvesting to ensure maximum crop yield and maintenance of soil health.

Developing Leaders for Sustainability

  • Part of SANGO-Kenya’s ongoing training and support focuses on preparing the farmers to become community leaders who serve as ambassadors to the community, explaining the benefits of sustainable farming and nutrient-rich African traditional vegetables.
  • SANGO-Kenya utilizes the Training of Trainers model, identifying Lead Farmers who receive additional training so they can supplement the agriculture consultants’ support to the farmers.  


SANGO-Kenya collects data in order to accurately measure and evaluate our programs. Data collection includes:

  • Pre- and post-project questionnaires
    • SANGO-Kenya conducts detailed surveys with all of the farmers prior to the beginning of the pilot and when the pilot has concluded.
  • Food consumption diaries
    • Farmers record their dietary intake prior to the beginning of the project, when harvest began, at the end of the harvest, and two weeks post-harvest.
  • Post-training satisfaction surveys
    • Farmers fill out questionnaires at the end of every training session.
  • Our evaluation assessments demonstrate that participation in SANGO-Kenya is associated with increased consumption of these green vegetables.


Graduates of the SANGO-Kenya pilot program each received a certificate and a lesso, the colorful cloths they are all wearing. As it was in the midst of COVID-19 restrictions, all participants wore masks.

SANGO-Kenya implemented a pilot from January – August, 2020. Working with our advisors and consultants from the Ministries of Health and Agriculture, along with other community members and leaders, we identified 21 members of a women’s group (19 women and two men) to participate. Training sessions were concentrated in the first month, with some additional training during planting and harvest.

We held a graduation ceremony upon completion at which all participants received a certificate. (See the SANGO Diaries, chapter 7 for more details.)

Some initial findings from data analysis include:

  • SANGO-Kenya farmers felt their crop yields were greater than their neighbors’.
  • They had more money from (a) spending less money on buying vegetables for home consumption and (b) selling more surplus vegetables at the market than in previous years.